E Petr eos, S.A.U.), stream stream(PS) was presented by by by CEPSA (Compa a Espa la de Petr eos, S.A.U.), (PS) and was kindly stream was kindly provided by CEPSA (Compa a Espa la de Petr eos, S.A.U.), 2. Materials (PS) kindlykindly provided CEPSA (Compa a Espa la de Petr eos, S.A.U.), SpanishIndustrial Stream PS PSaisisis aaby-product stream phenol manufacturing which isisis Spanish Petroleum Corporation. Spanish Petroleum Corporation. PSa is by-product stream of phenol production Moveltipril Protocol that’s a by-product of of phenol manufacturing which Spanish Petroleum Enterprise. Spanish Petroleum Company. is by-product stream phenol production which which two.1.Spanish Petroleum Corporation. isPSPS a by-product stream ofof phenol manufacturing that is Phenolic Petroleum Enterprise. PSby-product stream stream of phenol manufacturing is challenging toto take care of as well as chemical composition of PSof ofPSsummarized TableTable 1,1, complicated handle and deal with.deal with. The chemical composition ofof isisis summarized Table The chemical composition of in difficult deal with and deal with. The chemical composition is PS is summarized in Table difficult to to stream treat.in phenolic compounds was selected summarized inintoTable hard industrial take care of andtreat. The chemical composition PSsummarizedmaterialin1, 1, one, 1, to to take care of and tough take care of and rich treat. The chemical composition PSPS is summarized Table An as raw in together using the chemical names and concentrations of all elements. with each other withwiththe chemical names and concentrationscomponents. collectively chemicalpotential of and concentrations allall The phenolic together thethe chemical names and and concentrationsof components. with each other with with all the chemical names concentrations of allof of allcomponents. industrial names names concentrations of collectively together with the chemical and chosen bacterial species. elements. all components. assess the biodegradation PS usedused as a supply ofof phenolic compounds was extra atat diverse concenwas utilized as source of phenolic compounds and was added at at different as a supply CEPSA compounds and was added different concenPSwas kindly as source of phenolic(Compa a was extra Petr eos, concenwas PS PS was wasuseda asaasourcephenolic compounds and and was at distinctive S.A.U.),concenwas PS utilized a source of phenolic compounds andEspa la deaddedat different concenstream (PS)PS wasasusedprovided byofphenolic compounds and was addeddifferent concentrations (w/v) totothe bacterial cultures all through biodegradation assays, as comprehensive in in the trations (w/v) thethe thebacterial cultures for the SBP-3264 Formula duration of biodegradation assays, as aswhichininin the for the bacterial cultures throughout biodegradation assays,as thorough the trations(w/v)Organization. PScultures throughout stream of phenol productiondetailedis the (w/v) to bacterial is a culturesduring biodegradation assays, comprehensive the bacterial in the course of biodegradation assays, as as detailed trations (w/v) tobacterial culturesby-product biodegradation assays, detailed in thethe trations Petroleum trations Spanish (w/v) to Success Discussion part.segment. and Discussion area. Success and and Discussionsection. Final results and Discussion ResultsResultsand and deal with. segment. Effects Discussion section. difficultandhandle DiscussionThe chemical composition of PS is summarized in Table 1, toTable Chemical compositionPS of ofPS for for biodegradation experiments. Concentration are are expressed percentTable 1. 1. Chemical composition of PS PSused biodegradation experiments. Concentr.