That in the case that N 1000 and ?0.5, Infomap and Multilevel algorithms are no longer suitable choices if N 6000.There are also some limitations in our work: Although the LFR benchmark has generalised the previous GN benchmark by introducing power-law distributions of degree and community size, more realistic properties are still needed. We have mainly focused on testing the effects of the mixing parameter and the number of nodes. Other properties, such as the average degree, the degree distribution exponent, and the community distribution exponent may also play a role in the comparison of algorithms. In the end, we stress that detecting the community structure of networks is an important issue in network science. For “igraph” package users, we have provided a guideline on choosing the suitable community detection methods. However, based on our results, existing community detection algorithms still need to be improved to better purchase Avasimibe uncover the ground truth of networks. In this section, we first describe in detail the procedure to obtain the benchmark networks used, then enumerate the community detection algorithms employed. When comparing community detection algorithms, we can use either real or artificial network whose community structure is already known, which is usually termed as ground truth. Among the former, the celebrated Zachary’s karate club28 or the network of American college football teams3 have been extensively used. Among the latter, the ones used more pervasively are the GN3 and LFR13 benchmarks. However, obtaining real networks to which a ground truth can be associated is not only difficult, but also costly in economic terms and time. Due to the complexity of data collection and costs, real world benchmarks usually consist of small-sized networks. Further, since it is not possible to control all the different features of a real network (e.g. average degree, degree distribution, community sizes, etc.), the algorithms can only be tested ?if resorting in this kind of graphs ?on very specific cases with a limited set of features. In addition, the communities of real world networks are not always defined objectively or, in the best case, they rarely have a unique community decomposition. On the other hand, artificially generated networks can overcome most of these limitations. Given an arbitrary set of meso- or macroscopic properties, it is possible to generate randomly an ensemble of networks that respect them, in what is usually called generative models. However, as one of the most popular generative models, GN benchmark suffers from the fact that it does not show a realistic topology of the real network5,29 and it has very small network size. A recent strand of the literature on benchmark graphs tried to improve the quality of artificial networks by defining more realistic generative models: Lancichinetti et al. extended the GN benchmark by introducing power law degree and community size distributions5. Bagrow had AZD3759 site employed the Barab i-Albert model9 rather than the configuration model30 to build up the benchmark graph31. Orman and Labatut proposed to use evolutionary preferential attachment model32 for more realistic properties33.MethodsScientific RepoRts | 6:30750 | DOI: 10.1038/ first step to generate the LFR benchmark graph is to construct a network composed of N nodes, with ^ average degree k, maximum degree kmax and a power-law degree distribution with exponent by using the con.That in the case that N 1000 and ?0.5, Infomap and Multilevel algorithms are no longer suitable choices if N 6000.There are also some limitations in our work: Although the LFR benchmark has generalised the previous GN benchmark by introducing power-law distributions of degree and community size, more realistic properties are still needed. We have mainly focused on testing the effects of the mixing parameter and the number of nodes. Other properties, such as the average degree, the degree distribution exponent, and the community distribution exponent may also play a role in the comparison of algorithms. In the end, we stress that detecting the community structure of networks is an important issue in network science. For “igraph” package users, we have provided a guideline on choosing the suitable community detection methods. However, based on our results, existing community detection algorithms still need to be improved to better uncover the ground truth of networks. In this section, we first describe in detail the procedure to obtain the benchmark networks used, then enumerate the community detection algorithms employed. When comparing community detection algorithms, we can use either real or artificial network whose community structure is already known, which is usually termed as ground truth. Among the former, the celebrated Zachary’s karate club28 or the network of American college football teams3 have been extensively used. Among the latter, the ones used more pervasively are the GN3 and LFR13 benchmarks. However, obtaining real networks to which a ground truth can be associated is not only difficult, but also costly in economic terms and time. Due to the complexity of data collection and costs, real world benchmarks usually consist of small-sized networks. Further, since it is not possible to control all the different features of a real network (e.g. average degree, degree distribution, community sizes, etc.), the algorithms can only be tested ?if resorting in this kind of graphs ?on very specific cases with a limited set of features. In addition, the communities of real world networks are not always defined objectively or, in the best case, they rarely have a unique community decomposition. On the other hand, artificially generated networks can overcome most of these limitations. Given an arbitrary set of meso- or macroscopic properties, it is possible to generate randomly an ensemble of networks that respect them, in what is usually called generative models. However, as one of the most popular generative models, GN benchmark suffers from the fact that it does not show a realistic topology of the real network5,29 and it has very small network size. A recent strand of the literature on benchmark graphs tried to improve the quality of artificial networks by defining more realistic generative models: Lancichinetti et al. extended the GN benchmark by introducing power law degree and community size distributions5. Bagrow had employed the Barab i-Albert model9 rather than the configuration model30 to build up the benchmark graph31. Orman and Labatut proposed to use evolutionary preferential attachment model32 for more realistic properties33.MethodsScientific RepoRts | 6:30750 | DOI: 10.1038/ first step to generate the LFR benchmark graph is to construct a network composed of N nodes, with ^ average degree k, maximum degree kmax and a power-law degree distribution with exponent by using the con.