Dependency. The high dependency group (n = 26; 19 females) was high on both
Dependency. The high dependency group (n = 26; 19 females) was high on both self-reported and implicit dependency; the low dependency group (n = 25; 18 females) was low on…
Dependency. The high dependency group (n = 26; 19 females) was high on both self-reported and implicit dependency; the low dependency group (n = 25; 18 females) was low on…
L improve cellular selectivity of deep tissue PDT, thus increasing the probability of complete tumor cell eradication, whilst retaining the viability of healthy tissue. Activatable antibody-based probes merge the concept…
Ier: NCT01126268). This study was approved by the institutional review board at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, also known as the Committee for the Protection of…
Main flexible, for each run of each algorithm, we store its computation times (Bi) - 1 i, with i indexing the time step, and B-1 the offline learning time. Then…
ACS. (A) MFI (NMDAR-CD2 IgG). (B) MFI of IgG binding to NMDAR only. (C) MFI IgG binding to CD2 only (note that the scale of the y-axis has changed). Medians…
9. Fortes M. Parenthood, marriage and fertility in West Africa. J Dev Stud. 1978;14:121?9. 20. Fabiani M, Nattabi B, Pierotti C, Ciantia F, Opio AA, Musinguzi J et al. HIV-1…
Al/ethnic groups (J. Garcia 2000; Kaufmann 2003; Sanchez 2008; Uhlaner 1991), and more liberal views toward many public policies (Dawson 1994; Hochschild 1995; Sanchez 2006b) among minority groups. Furthermore, many…
Er generations (Chen Chan, 2011). Prior research revealed that there are generational differences on actual performances while using purchase HIV-1 integrase inhibitor 2 technology (e.g., Thayer Ray, 2006; Volkom et…
S on Observing Behavior A contingency refers to a relation between behavior and its consequences; in this case, the contingency was that the trial would not continue until the participant…
Dependency. The high dependency group (n = 26; 19 females) was high on both Cibinetide web self-reported and implicit dependency; the low dependency group (n = 25; 18 females) was…