Studies. We also compare the effectiveness of penicillin-streptomycin and amikacinvancomycin combinations.hours after we had shown that amikacin is more stable at this temperature. Three sets of antibiotic solutions were prepared. Each set of antibiotic solutions consisted of (1) two freshly prepared tubes of antibiotic solution containing amikacin and (2) two tubes of antibiotic solution containing vancomycin. For the first experiment, the first set of antibiotic solutions was incubated at 4uC for 6 hours in a pharmaceutical refrigerator whereas the second set was incubated at 37uC for 6 hours in a 37uC dry oven. A fresh tube each of amikacin and vancomycin were tested as a control.Antibiotic Potency AssaysThe potencies of amikacin and vancomycin were evaluated by comparing the inhibition of sensitive micro-organisms caused by known concentrations of the test antibiotics and their standard reference. The microbiological assays were performed in August 2009 according to the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) 31 ,81..Amikacin ?Turbidimetric AssayThe potency of amikacin was demonstrated using turbidimetric assay. It is based on the inhibition of growth of Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 29737) culture in a liquid medium (peptone 6.0 g, pancreatic digest of casein 4.0 g, yeast Sermorelin site extract 3.0 g, beef extract 1.5 g, dextrose 1.0 g). The turbidity of the medium, which is directly proportional to the density of micro-organisms and inversely proportional to the activity of antibiotics, was evaluated by reading at optical density of 530 nm. The first part of the experiment involved the preparation of standard references in triplicates for 5 different concentrations of amikacin at 40 ug/ml, 35 ug/ml, 30 ug/ml, 20 ug/ml and 10 ug/ml. 1 ml of standard reference solution was added to 9 ml of inoculum with micro-organism culture in each tube. Two control tubes, containing 9 ml of inoculum with 1531364 1 ml of water, were prepared. The tubes were placed in a rack to incubate between 36uC to 37.5uC for 17 hours in a dry oven. After incubation, 0.5 ml of 0.9 formaldehyde was added to each tube. In addition, a tube containing 0.5 ml of 0.9 formaldehyde was used as a “blank” to set the spectrophotometer to zero. The absorbance of each tube was read in a spectrophotometer (UV2450 Shimadzu UV-Vis Spectrophotometer) fitted with a 530-nm filter. A straight-line graph was plotted based on the mean absorbance results obtained from the standard references, with log dose of antibiotics as the x-axis and the absorbance as the y-axis. The second part involved the evaluation of test amikacin after incubation in various test PZ-51 web conditions, in accordance to “Incubation Condition of Antibiotics”. Similar to the preparation of standard references, amikacin were prepared in 5 different concentrations of 40 ug/ml, 35 ug/ml, 30 ug/ml, 20 ug/ml and 10 ug/ml. The tubes were placed in a rack to incubate between 36uC to 37.5uC for 17 hours. The absorbance of each tube was read at optical density of 530 nm. The log doses of amikacin after incubation in various test conditions, were interpolated from the optical density readings obtained, from the standard reference graph. The log dose readings will then be anti-logged (Da ). The formula of calculating the percentage potency was as follows: Da |100 Estimated Concentration The results obtained were analysed for statistical significance using two-tailed t-test, with the assumption that the population hasMaterials and Methods Reconstitution an.Studies. We also compare the effectiveness of penicillin-streptomycin and amikacinvancomycin combinations.hours after we had shown that amikacin is more stable at this temperature. Three sets of antibiotic solutions were prepared. Each set of antibiotic solutions consisted of (1) two freshly prepared tubes of antibiotic solution containing amikacin and (2) two tubes of antibiotic solution containing vancomycin. For the first experiment, the first set of antibiotic solutions was incubated at 4uC for 6 hours in a pharmaceutical refrigerator whereas the second set was incubated at 37uC for 6 hours in a 37uC dry oven. A fresh tube each of amikacin and vancomycin were tested as a control.Antibiotic Potency AssaysThe potencies of amikacin and vancomycin were evaluated by comparing the inhibition of sensitive micro-organisms caused by known concentrations of the test antibiotics and their standard reference. The microbiological assays were performed in August 2009 according to the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) 31 ,81..Amikacin ?Turbidimetric AssayThe potency of amikacin was demonstrated using turbidimetric assay. It is based on the inhibition of growth of Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 29737) culture in a liquid medium (peptone 6.0 g, pancreatic digest of casein 4.0 g, yeast extract 3.0 g, beef extract 1.5 g, dextrose 1.0 g). The turbidity of the medium, which is directly proportional to the density of micro-organisms and inversely proportional to the activity of antibiotics, was evaluated by reading at optical density of 530 nm. The first part of the experiment involved the preparation of standard references in triplicates for 5 different concentrations of amikacin at 40 ug/ml, 35 ug/ml, 30 ug/ml, 20 ug/ml and 10 ug/ml. 1 ml of standard reference solution was added to 9 ml of inoculum with micro-organism culture in each tube. Two control tubes, containing 9 ml of inoculum with 1531364 1 ml of water, were prepared. The tubes were placed in a rack to incubate between 36uC to 37.5uC for 17 hours in a dry oven. After incubation, 0.5 ml of 0.9 formaldehyde was added to each tube. In addition, a tube containing 0.5 ml of 0.9 formaldehyde was used as a “blank” to set the spectrophotometer to zero. The absorbance of each tube was read in a spectrophotometer (UV2450 Shimadzu UV-Vis Spectrophotometer) fitted with a 530-nm filter. A straight-line graph was plotted based on the mean absorbance results obtained from the standard references, with log dose of antibiotics as the x-axis and the absorbance as the y-axis. The second part involved the evaluation of test amikacin after incubation in various test conditions, in accordance to “Incubation Condition of Antibiotics”. Similar to the preparation of standard references, amikacin were prepared in 5 different concentrations of 40 ug/ml, 35 ug/ml, 30 ug/ml, 20 ug/ml and 10 ug/ml. The tubes were placed in a rack to incubate between 36uC to 37.5uC for 17 hours. The absorbance of each tube was read at optical density of 530 nm. The log doses of amikacin after incubation in various test conditions, were interpolated from the optical density readings obtained, from the standard reference graph. The log dose readings will then be anti-logged (Da ). The formula of calculating the percentage potency was as follows: Da |100 Estimated Concentration The results obtained were analysed for statistical significance using two-tailed t-test, with the assumption that the population hasMaterials and Methods Reconstitution an.